AÑO: 2007

The majestic Alcireño amphitheater saw the light of day on September 21, 1921, with a disbursement of 75.000 pesetas, thus marking a milestone in local history. Just three years later, an adjacent summer cinema was erected in the emblematic Plaza de l'Alborxi. The first image shows us the original theater, which with its modernist style façade, anticipated the arrival of the Fallas festivities. Miguel Zorita, a visionary businessman rooted in the town, served as its first manager. Subsequently, the architect Juan Guardiola took over the reins, and in 1958, to expand the capacity of the venue, he built a brand new amphitheatre, currently recognized as 'preference'.

In 1965, after a long period of dedication, Guardiola's heirs ceded the operation of his four cinematographic venues in the city. After a period of closure, the year 1980 contemplated an ambitious project to renovate the theater, promoted by the City Council, which invested forty million pesetas for its realization. Finally, on May 25, 1982, the theater reopened its doors in a reopening ceremony.

Throughout its history, the building was the victim of several fires, the most devastating being the one that occurred in 1978, which resulted in the total collapse of its roof. Another episode of fire, in January 2004, led to the temporary suspension of its operation.


Stage acoustic shell.

A stage shell will be installed in order to reflect the sound energy, both towards the
musicians themselves and the public.
Said shell will be formed by a panel with a flat bottom, two curved roof panels with
built-in lighting and four carriages or lateral towers also curved.
Both ceiling and background panels can be removed and stored on the stage comb
through motorized cuts installed for this purpose. The side towers will be made up of carts
counterbalanced that will allow its displacement and by removing the lower panel its storage
inserting one into the other.

